Locust Pose Shalabhasana
Locust Pose Salabhasana is an intermediate backbend pose which stretches your entire back, spine, chest and help you to feel rejuvenated and energized. Pronounced as sha-la-BAHS-anna, its name is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Salabha’ (meaning ‘locust’) and ‘Asana’ (meaning ‘posture’). Salabhasana (Locust Pose) is also called as Grasshopper pose.
Backbends intimidate a lot of people. The idea of moving the body against the natural way is indeed a challenge. We are accustomed to slouching and moving in a forward direction, going in the opposite orientation can be scary. With that being said, without a doubt, backbends are beautiful and they feel amazing. Plus, they are a source of great strength, flexibility, and balance and are important for a well-rounded yoga practice.
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Full locust pose
The Full Locust Pose, known as Shalabhasana, is an advanced backbend in yoga that enhances strength throughout the back, expands the chest, and invigorates the entire body. This pose is a progression from the Half Locust Pose, offering a more intense stretch and engagement.
Steps To Perform Salabhasana Locust Pose
- Lie on your belly with your arms alongside your body.
- Now, inhale and lift your legs and upper torso.
- Ensure to keep your knees straight and lift your leg upwards.
- Rest your arms alongside your body with palms facing down.
- Your weight should rest on your pelvis, belly and lower ribs.
- Hold this pose for few breaths. Exhale and bring your legs and head down to the floor.
- Relax your body and repeat the same procedure for 2-3 times.

benefits of locust pose
- Shalabhasana helps to reduce the abdominal fat and tone the abdomen.
- Expands the chest and boosts lung function.
- Improves spinal flexibility and alignment.
- Activates the abdominal organs, aiding digestion and overall energy.
- It helps to strengthen your back muscles.
- It helps in repairing your entire spinal cord and replenishes it.
- It strengthens your neck muscles, rectifies neck pain, and repairs defects in the neck joints.
- It encourages digestion by improving activity of the intestines by stretching them.
- It helps in rectifying the urinary disorders.
- It strengthens the reproductive system.
- It helps in strengthening the uterus.
- It helps in correcting the menstrual problems and guarantees a normal cycle.
- It strengthens the hip bones and reduces any excessive thigh muscles.
- It helps to decrease constipation.
Contraindications for Salabhasana include-
- Those with acute back pain or slip disc should avoid this pose.
- Those with severe sciatica may suffer as this pose tightens the entire body from the hip to the feet.
- Those who have major problems with menstruation or with a prolapsed uterus should avoid.
- Women in their pregnancy should avoid this pose.
- Those who have Blood Pressure problems should avoid this pose as it may lead to suffocation.
FAQs about Salabhasana
What is Salabhasana and what does it do?
Salabhasana is a foundational backbend in yoga that strengthens the back, improves posture, and enhances core stability.
What are the physical benefits of practicing Salabhasana?
Practicing Salabhasana strengthens back muscles, improves posture, enhances core strength, tones legs and glutes, stimulates digestion, boosts spinal flexibility, and enhances blood circulation.
How can Salabhasana benefit my mental health?
This pose helps relieve stress by calming the mind and reducing anxiety while also increasing focus and concentration through heightened body awareness.
Are there therapeutic benefits to doing Salabhasana?
Yes! Salabhasana can alleviate lower back pain, help manage sciatica symptoms, improve lung function by expanding the chest, and support reproductive health by stimulating the pelvic region.
Who should avoid practicing Salabhasana?
Individuals with severe back pain, herniated discs, other spinal injuries, pregnant individuals, or those who have had recent abdominal surgery should avoid this pose.
Can beginners practice Salabhasana safely?
Yes! Beginners should perform Salabhasana under the guidance of a qualified instructor to ensure proper technique and avoid injury.