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8 Limbed Yoga Pose – Ashtanga Namaskar asana is a traditional complete body strengthening posture mainly working on the core. The pose is done to pay respect to the gods or the elders, as a gesture of surrendering and accepting the blessing.
Eight limbs of yoga In Sanskrit “Ashta” means “eight”, and “Anga” means “part”. Hence, in Ashtanga Namaskar, the body is in contact with the floor (as a mark of respect) at eight points, which are; the two feet, the two knees, the two hands, chest, and chin. It’s a great posture to strengthen the arms , as well as the core muscles.
Benefits of 8 Limbed Pose or Ashtanga Namaskar Asana
- Great posture and exercise for arm balancing.
- Strengthens arms, shoulders, biceps and triceps.
- Increases strength of core, knees and chest.
- Improves stability, flexibility and mobility of the back and spine.
- Relieves backache.
- It stretches the soles, toes, lower back, hips and neck.
- Opens up the chest and hence good for chest organs.
- It prepares you for Chaturanga Dandasana (Lower Plank).
Cautions of 8 Limbed Pose or Ashtanga Namaskar Asana:
- People recovering from any arms or knee injury should not perform this pose.
- People with heart conditions and high blood pressure should avoid this pose.
Steps to come into the pose:
how to do 8 limb pose
- Starting from the base position, every Asan have its own base position. For the Eight limbed pose the base potion is “Mountain Pose (Parvatasana)”. So, come into Mountain pose.
- Inhale in mountain pose and as you exhale lean forward towards your hands, as slow as possible.
- While leaning forward, keep arching your back throwing your hips up towards the ceiling and keep bending your knees.
- In 8 limbed pose the knees, chest and chin should come down on the mat at the same time.
- For beginners, from Mountain pose. First rest the knees down on the mat and then arch the back and throw the hips toward the ceiling lifting the pelvis higher.
- Then lean forward, bend the elbows and tuck the elbows in towards the body and slowly rest your chest and chin to the mat into the Eight limbed Pose.
- Now as you inhale, point your toes keeping the feet together, slide your hips forward and lift your chest up to the Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana).
- Second base position for 8 limbed pose is the plank. Come into the plank and inhale here. Now, as you exhale bend the elbows and the knees, tilt the pelvis up higher and rest the knees, chest and chin to the mat in Eight limb pose.
Happy learning and practising