1: A Kundalini Yoga Awakening Is So Rare That It Happens
Only Once or Twice in Your Lifetime:
This is not true. The Kundalini Awakening isn’t a one time thing, it’s actually a permanent and lifelong experience and condition. When you have a Kundalini awakening, it is a permanent sensation and experience that can be reactivated over and over again, not only through Kundalini yogic practice, but through living out its principals in your daily life. Even if you do not ac- tively feel the Kundalini awakening sensations or feelings, even if it seems like it is in a period of dormancy, you are actually still quite aware of it (and arguably, it is very much active, it’s just bubbling under the surface in a more quiet way, and not so explicitly).
Kundalini is a dynamic, boundless sensation and experience that ebbs and flows, it does not occur once or twice and never returns. Once you experience it, you have it activated and active in you for forever.
2: Only a Guru or Teacher Can Awaken Your Kundalini
This is also simply not true and defies the principals of Kundalini. Kundalini is valued as a universal, human right and experience that everyone can ac- cess and is encouraged to access to transform their lives and the lives of everyone around them.
The idea that Kundalini can exclusively be awakened with the sole aid of a teacher or Guru is offensive and directly rejects the teachings and values of Kundalini. This myth is rather popular and is fre- quently perpetuated in the Western spiritual community because it is an easy way to make money.
It should be considered a scam if anyone claims that ei- ther: 1) they, as a teacher or Guru can awaken your Kundalini; or, 2) you can only awaken your Kundalini through the aid of hiring a teacher or Guru to do so for you. Anyone or any spiritual community making such claims should be told otherwise that this is a corrupt belief that offensively conflicts with what Kundalini is all about.
3: Any Body Twitches, Quirks, or Itchiness is Awakening Kundalini
The Kundalini awakening symptoms are the most popular aspects of Kun- dalini that many recently awakened Kundalini students and Kundalini curious alike are solely interested in learning more about. There are a lot of miscon- ceptions about what physical and emotional sensations are just normal sensations versus unique symptoms that are typical of a Kundalini awak- ening. As a result, common twitches, itching, or spontaneous movement is often misclassified as a symptom of Kundalini awakening.
We take our ner- vous and muscular systems for granted sometimes. Also, when we are prac- ticing or interested in Kundalini, there is such a heightened focus on being very in-tune and aware of our bodies, and therefore, we need to remove our desire to over-analyze and over think that every sensation is indicative of a Kundalini awakening: sometimes they are just normal functions of the human body.
4: Kundalini Can Be Awakened Through Reiki
This is a popular myth that many Reiki Masters incorrectly claim. Just because Reiki deals with the organic movement and rebalancing of energy in and throughout the body, many believe that Kundalini is a part of this tradi- tion and practice. This is absolutely not true.
Although Reiki is also a beau- tiful practice and experience that can be a stepping stone for someone to be interested in how other energy awakening and energy based techniques like Kundalini, can help themselves and others, Reiki and Kundalini are two com- pletely different traditions that have nothing to do with the other. Reiki is a healing modality that balances energy throughout the body and space-time that can only be conducted by an attuned practitioner but received by anyone. Kundalini, on the other hand, is a unique experience that is felt through a se- ries of intense sensations that can be activated through physical movement, mantras, meditations, and breathing techniques. Reiki and Kundalini are completely different and are not related.
5: Kundalini Can Be Awakened Through Yoga
Kundalini is an experience that may or may not happen through the inten- tional and sacred use and practice of the various modalities such as yoga, meditation, mantras, mudras, chanting, and breathing techniques. Each of these modalities must be present in the sacred sequence they appear in order to help ignite the Kundalini within. Although the yoga poses are a part of the Kundalini practice, they alone do not guarantee that Kundalini will be awakened or present.
6: Kundalini Is Actually a High
Kundalini awakenings are hard to describe and are often misappropriated as a feeling of being high, as if you were on a drug. Although there is a feeling of unrestricted bliss, these feelings are fleeting and few and far between. What really happens is that the body stores a tremendous amount of psychic and emotional energy in our body: trauma, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, grief, sad- ness. When they are all touched and activated through Kundalini, these in- tense emotions are popped like a balloon and the resulting “gas” is leaking everywhere throughout our body, making us feel every sensation at the same time while our physical body is release all of this. This isn’t the same as the sensations that someone may experience under the use of drugs: this is actu- ally more similar to the type of emotional release one may feel during a peak performance in a sport.
7: Kundalini Can Awaken in Any Chakra
This is incorrect and the Kundalini yoga teachings directly negate this false belief. Kundalini starts at the base of the spine, with the first chakra, the root chakra. The serpent coils upwards, not downwards. The Kundalini, before awakening, lies in a coiled, dormant state in the root chakra. There is no other chakra that it can originate in. This information is in the sacred and ancient texts and teachings of Kundalini.
8: Kundalini Can Be Controlled
There is absolutely no way that Kundalini can be controlled. The effects of Kundalini may be inconvenient to many, especially because they are so in- tense and may cause a disruption in your daily life – therefore, there is under- standably an attempt to create a fake market of teachers and teachings that claim that Kundalini can be controlled and stopped. This simply isn’t true or even possible! All of the feelings, sensations, and memories that rise up from a Kundalini awakening exist to serve a higher good and purpose to elevate ourselves and others. This is a force that is meant to awaken, not be stopped. It actually is impossible to stop it.
9: Kundalini Awakenings Can Be Stopped
Just like the above claim that Kundalini can be controlled, this is also a very false claim from the same idea. Kundalini cannot be stopped.