Gupta Padmasana Hidden Lotus Pose
Gupta Padmasana (Hidden Lotus Pose) is a mix of Padmasana (Lotus Pose) and Advasana (Reverse Corpse Pose). This version necessitates the use of hip, knee, and ankle strength to support the upper body while in a forward bend.
Squeezing the knees and ankles with the hips’ stability, the body goes into prone – resting flat on the floor – and eventually into a lock with the hands behind in Anjali Mudra (Namaskar Mudra).
Gupta means “hidden/preserved/guarded” in Sanskrit, hence hiding one’s wrath, worry, tensions, negativities, and so on, and conserving what is healthy for the body and mind. Students should be encouraged to cultivate attentive breath-body linkages while in Hidden Lotus Pose.
Gupt-Padmasana \ Gupta Padmasana necessitates hip flexibility. This asana has a beneficial effect on the entire spine. It’s very flattering on a rounded back. Because the feet are covered behind the torso, this asana is also known as the “Hidden lotus.”
What makes Gupta Padmasana so unique?
This asana stretches the legs and allows us to sit in Padmasana for extended periods of time. It corrects the spine’s postural alignment.
Gupt-Padmasana asana stimulates the Swadhisthana chakra
This asana stimulates the Swadhisthana chakra. The sacral chakra aids in the development of flexibility in our lives. It is the driving force behind the enjoyment of life through the senses. It is motivated by pleasure. Whether it’s by hearing, tasting, touching, or seeing. A healthy swadhisthana helps us to experience the world around us and inside ourselves. It is also the cornerstone of our sense of well-being.
Best 5 Health Benefits of Gupta Padmasana
- The vertebral column is aligned and strengthened as the spine is expanded and the chest is opened.
- Better breathing capacity: The lungs can take in more oxygen when the chest is expanded. As a result, the respiratory system will work well.
- Lower body flexibility: The asana stretches all of the muscles in the leg and thighs.
- Improves upper back flexibility: Keeping the shoulders straight (rather than rounded) increases shoulder and arm flexibility.
- Enhances posture