In today’s world, everything we eat is packed and maintained in cold storage, with artificial flavors and colors added to make it look appealing and tasty. However, we know that all preservatives applied are unnatural and damaging to our bodies. Even the dairy products utilized are all injected and therefore not natural. So we have the choice of including fruits in our natural food diet.
Fruits are one of the most beneficial things we can add to our diet. Fruits contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that are naturally occurring and provided to us by nature.
Fruits contain carbs, fibers, natural sugar, potassium, citrus, and other nutrients that play an important role in giving numerous health advantages.
Best time to eat Fruits
POMEGRANATE– Pomegranate should be consumed first thing in the morning. Pomegranate in the morning provides energy to the body that lasts for a longer amount of time. Pomegranate consumption at night provides no advantage to the body.
PAPAYA– Papaya should be had after breakfast and before lunch. Papaya aids in detoxification and the maintenance of healthy and steady bowel movements. Papaya Fruit is also good in maintaining blood sugar levels in the human organism, but the condition is always the same, it must be eaten at the proper time.
ORANGE– Oranges should not be consumed on an empty stomach. An orange on an empty stomach aids with acidity issues in the body. Under proper sunlight, the best time to eat an orange is from morning after breakfast to afternoon, or till lunch time. Having an orange in the evening always causes throat complications.
GRAPES– Grapes have a sweet and sour taste, and this sweet and sour combination aids in regulating the body’s water balance. As a result, eating grapes on an empty stomach is usually helpful. Grapes Fruit include the mineral potassium, which aids in the reduction of blood pressure and the balance of fluids in the body. The best time to consume grapes is before any meal.
BANANA– Bananas should be eaten in the morning until early noon and not at night because the body’s metabolism is at its lowest during these hours. Having a banana on an empty stomach or at night causes acidity and digestive difficulties. Bananas are always beneficial to blood sugar levels, renal and heart health.
MOSAMBI/ SWEET LEMON- Mosambi/sweet lemon contains high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants, which improve energy levels in the body. Sweet lemon aids in the maintenance of body water levels and the treatment of dehydration. Sweet lemon Fruit should be consumed early in the morning, between the hours of sunrise and noon, following a breakfast or lunch. It benefits the immune system, eyesight, and gastrointestinal health.
Fruits And Their Nutritional Value
POMEGRANATE | Protein Carbohydrates Fiber Vitamin C Fat Potassium Calcium | Builds bones, cartilage and muscles. Fights stress Helps in regulating blood sugar levels Improves digestive system Lowers blood pressure |
PAPAYA | Carbohydrates Protein Fiber Vitamin C, B Vitamin A,K Vitamin B9 Folate and Potassium | Lowers cholesterol Immunity booster Helps in Diabetes Helps in protecting against arthritis Ease in digestive problems Prevents from formation of cancer cells |
ORANGE | Fiber Sugar Protein Vitamin C Vitamin A Protein Calcium Potassium Sugar water | Helps in lowering blood pressure levels Improves heart health Provides antioxidant properties Helps in cell repair Protects from damaging of cells Helps in wound healing Lowers the risk of cataract |
GRAPES | protein fat carbohydrates sugar fiber potassium calcium iron | Provide benefit to eyes Heart health Strengthen up Bone structure Help reduce cholesterol Helps in lowering blood pressure Help in blood clotting problem |
BANANA | protein carbohydrate sugar fiber potassium | Helps with heart health Helps in digestive system Improve insulin sensitivity Helps in improving kidney health |
Mosambi/ sweet Lemon | energy carbohydrate calcium iron magnesium potassium water | Helps in stimulating appetite Regulates digestion Works on nausea and vomit problems Helps in healing jaundice Boosts immunity system Helps in treating UTI Provide strength to bones Maintains heart health |