Handstands – Adho Mukha Vrksasana – Handstand press up Adho Mukha Vrksasana, known as the Handstand Pose, is...
Good health
The Red Silk Cotton Tree, scientifically known as Bombax ceiba and referred to as Semal Tree in...
The Essential Role of Pratyahara Unveiled! Pratyahara, the fifth aspect of the Eight Limbs of Yoga as...
Understanding the Meaning and Importance of Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) DefinitionThe term Mayurasana comes from the Sanskrit words...
A Nutritional Powerhouse for Well-Being Moringa oleifera, often referred to as the drumstick tree or the miracle...
Somatic Yoga Before knowing what somatic yoga is, let’s understand what the word somatic actually means. Somatic...
Health Benefits Of Kadamba Tree Consuming Kadamba fruit is very beneficial in cure stomach related problems and...
Yoga is an excellent way to use in healing diabetes Yoga Represents a time to unplug … to...
In today’s world, everything we eat is packed and maintained in cold storage, with artificial flavors and...
Heron Pose, also known as Krounchasana, is a popular yoga posture that involves stretching and strengthening the...
Bhojan Mantra in Sanskrit with Meaning अन्नं ब्रह्मा रसं विष्णु भोक्ता देवो जनार्दनम् । एवं ध्यात्वा तथा...
Ashtanga Meaning Ashtanga is a Sanskrit word, where “Asht” means “Eight” and “Anga” means “limbs”, that is,...
Yoga Pose for piles yoga to cure piles, Yoga can help manage piles (hemorrhoids) and fissures. It...
8 Limbed Yoga Pose – Ashtanga Namaskar asana is a traditional complete body strengthening posture mainly working...