Creation Angle of Pose (Konasana) Stand straight with legs about the distance from the width of the...
Good health
Learning to control yoga breathing is one of the most important parts of your yoga practice to...
Running can Improves Heart Health You have probably heard that exercise is medicine. Well, it’s not just...
How to Use Acupressure Point for Back Pain 1. Acupressure Points Hand There are various acupressure points...
Aak Flower Aak Flower known by many names like Akwan, Madar, Swallow wort and many more. For many...
Add More Fibre into Your Diet FOR WEIGHT LOSS: The words “diet” and “fun” are rarely used...
Being still: One should become aware of the integration of body and mind. It should be remembered,...
Our modern civilisation claims to be very productive, creative and resourceful but a hundred years ago we...
In the marriage relationship, husbands and wives often become very close and interconnected physically, emotionally, socially and...
Bridge pose (Setubndhasana): Firstly, what exactly is Asana? Asana means, “Sthira Sukham Asanam” I.e a firm, pleasant,...
Why You Need Yoga in Your Life : Misery should go and bliss should come – this...
आरोग्यं परमं भाग्यं स्वास्थ्यं सर्वार्थसाधनम्॥ Good health is the greatest blessing. Health is means of everything. ...