Surya Namaskar – sun salutation for beginners Sun Salutation Step-by-Step Instructions What are 12 steps of Sun...
Health & Fitness
yoga for back pain: Now days many people have back pain. This is often because of our...
What kind of remedies do you use for common ailments? Diseases continue to affect our lives. We...
Beautiful town of Rishikesh The gorgeous and beautiful town of Rishikesh is among the most beautiful places...
Because of our size-conscious culture, many people are into weight loss programs. Anything from do-it-yourself fitness apps...
Gupta Padmasana Hidden Lotus Pose Gupta Padmasana (Hidden Lotus Pose) is a mix of Padmasana (Lotus Pose)...
Eagle pose Garudasana The name “Garudasana” comes from the word “Garuda.” Garuda is the Sanskrit word for...
The foundational pose Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) is one that many yoga practitioners overlook. Extending the top...
Nowadays, the majority population of our country suffers from cardiac diseases or illnesses related to the heart....
Carbohydrates should take up about 45 to 65 percent of your daily caloric intake, according to the...
With the entire world reeling under the pressure of COVID-19, the Indian healthcare system is crumbling to...
Yogic management of Kidney Stone – Yoga For Kidney Stone Yoga asanas help to stretch the body...
Chair Pose Utkatasana The very first thing we need to keep in mind before reading or practicing...
Bakasana(Crane pose) Crow Pose Bakasana (crow pose or crane pose) is an intermediate balancing posture. The whole...