Best time to do Sun Salutation: It is a good idea to do Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) early morning at sunrise, on an empty stomach. Health
Category: Health & Fitness
Upper Body Twist ❖ stand straight with your legs apart ❖ inhale raise the hands up from the sides on the shoulder level ❖ exhale
Sattvic diet is a diet based on foods in Ayurveda and Yoga literature that contain sattva quality (guna). In this system of dietary classification, foods that harm the mind or body are considered Tamasic,
Yoga with positive sentences for many people is very helpful. It allows us quickly to overcome negative tendencies and reach a happy und healthy life.
Shank Prakshalana yogic Body Cleansing It was nearly a year ago when I decided that I should try the complete “colon cleansing” technique called “shankha
Karma Yoga or the “discipline of action” is based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Sanskrit scripture of Hinduism. Karma Yoga is
The Path to Inner Happiness: Internal tension and internal conflict occur when people Be in peace and experience true happiness on a deeper level. This
Being ill is not nice. Being healthy is better. The main principles of health are healthy diet, no drugs (alcohol, smoking, drugs, eating too much),
Patanjali Yoga Sutra- Patanjali is the father of Indian yoga. He lived in the second century BC. In the Yoga Sutra, he grasped the essence
Meditate With Your Inner Voice The most important thing in Yoga is the inner voice. The inner voice is the voice of your own truth
SATSANG Meaning Satsang / Satsanga / Satsangam is a word which comes from sanskrit meaning “to associate with true people “, to be in the company of true people –
Hatha means any tenacious practice until the object or purpose is achieved. “Ha” and “tha” signify the union of the Sun and Moon, union of
Posture: Anjanaya-asana – low lunge Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word anjaneya means salutation or praise from the root anj which means to honor, to celebrate,
The Yoga Sutras, also known as the eight limbs (Ashtanga) of Raja (king) Yoga, was the first fully developed and recorded system of yoga. Created