Meditate With Your Inner Voice The most important thing in Yoga is the inner voice. The inner...
Health & Fitness
SATSANG Meaning Satsang / Satsanga / Satsangam is a word which comes from sanskrit meaning “to associate with true people “, to...
Hatha means any tenacious practice until the object or purpose is achieved. “Ha” and “tha” signify the...
Posture: Anjanaya-asana – low lunge Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word anjaneya means salutation or praise from the...
8 limbs of yoga People know the Yoga Sutras as the eight limbs of yoga (Ashtanga). They...
FIRST LIMB Yama (Self-Restraint) The focus of the first limb is on being an ethical and moral...
The Shooting bow Pose Translation: The Sanskrit word Karna means ear and the prefix “a” means near...
Katichakrasana, which means the rotation of the waist, it is better for you if you want to...
Creation Angle of Pose (Konasana) Stand straight with legs about the distance from the width of the...
Learning to control yoga breathing is one of the most important parts of your yoga practice to...
Running can Improves Heart Health You have probably heard that exercise is medicine. Well, it’s not just...
How to Use Acupressure Point for Back Pain 1. Acupressure Points Hand There are various acupressure points...
Add More Fibre into Your Diet FOR WEIGHT LOSS: The words “diet” and “fun” are rarely used...
INTUITION : means something beyond the intellect Intuition cannot be explained scientifically because the very phenomenon is...