Reclined bound angle pose in Sanskrit means Supta: Reclined, Baddha: Tied or bound, Kone: Angle and Asana: Pose. Supta baddha konasana This asana has both
Category: Health Benefits of Yoga
Yoga has long been celebrated for its ability to enhance physical flexibility and strength, but its mental and emotional benefits are often overlooked. Among the
Yoga can be a great way to improve digestion and promote clean intestines. Here are some yoga poses that can help: Yoga Poses for Clean
Bhojan Mantra in Sanskrit with Meaning अन्नं ब्रह्मा रसं विष्णु भोक्ता देवो जनार्दनम् । एवं ध्यात्वा तथा ज्ञात्वा अन्न दोषो न लिप्यते Mealtime Prayers English
A Seated forward bend, also known as a forward fold, is a yoga pose that involves bending the torso forward towards the legs, with the
Nowadays, mostly everyone is suffering from some sort of back pain, usually because of the lifestyle we are into, I.e. either sedentary desk job or bad posture.
chakras If you’ve taken an exercise class or a meditation class or an energy-healing session such as reiki or even watched online videos about those
Gupta Padmasana Hidden Lotus Pose Gupta Padmasana (Hidden Lotus Pose) is a mix of Padmasana (Lotus Pose) and Advasana (Reverse Corpse Pose). This version necessitates
Yogic management of Kidney Stone – Yoga For Kidney Stone Yoga asanas help to stretch the body and stimulate the vital organs, including the kidneys,
Chair Pose Utkatasana The very first thing we need to keep in mind before reading or practicing this asana is its meaning and it’s definition.
Bakasana(Crane pose) Crow Pose Bakasana (crow pose or crane pose) is an intermediate balancing posture. The whole body weight is balanced on the arms strengthening
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama: Anuloma Viloma is a very powerful Pranayama practice. If incorporated into daily life it helps improve our general stamina, relax our nervous
HEALTH BENEFITS OF SALABHASANA (Locust Pose) Backbends intimidate a lot of people. The idea of moving the body against the natural way is indeed a challenge.
Agnisthambasana (fire log pose) Sometimes life can seem as if it aims to put out the tiniest spark we still have left inside of us,