chakras If you’ve taken an exercise class or a meditation class or an energy-healing session such as...
Health Benefits of Yoga
Gupta Padmasana Hidden Lotus Pose Gupta Padmasana (Hidden Lotus Pose) is a mix of Padmasana (Lotus Pose)...
Yogic management of Kidney Stone – Yoga For Kidney Stone Yoga asanas help to stretch the body...
Chair Pose Utkatasana The very first thing we need to keep in mind before reading or practicing...
Bakasana(Crane pose) Crow Pose Bakasana (crow pose or crane pose) is an intermediate balancing posture. The whole...
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama: Anuloma Viloma is a very powerful Pranayama practice. If incorporated into daily life it...
Locust Pose Shalabhasana Locust Pose Salabhasana is an intermediate backbend pose which stretches your entire back, spine, chest...
Agnisthambasana (fire log pose) Sometimes life can seem as if it aims to put out the tiniest...
HEALTH BENEFITS OF PASASANA – NOOSE POSE Pasasana (pronounced pAsh-Ah-suh-nuh) also known as the Noose Pose is...
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that leads to unprovoked and recurrent seizures. A seizure refers to a...
Health Benefits of Ujjayi Pranayama : Breathing routines in the Yogic convention are applied to manipulate the...
PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA – HEALTH BENEFITS Inverting our usual posture and pressing the torso towards the joints is...
PADA PRASARA PASCHIMOTTANASANA – HEALTH BENEFITS No fitness programme is complete without a flexibility module, which has...
Gomukhasana – Cow Face Pose (pronounced go-muKHA-suh-nuh) is an intermediate level seated posture. The name is derived...