yoga poses for sex Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): This position helps strengthen the pelvic floor. Strengthening...
Sinusitis is a commonly appearing issue caused by an inflamed infection in the sinus. Anything from a...
This sequence is made up of poses that will improve your core strength and help flatten your...
HOW TO AVOID A HEAD RUSH DURING A YOGA ROUTINE? Feeling a little dizzy while practicing yoga...
USTRASANA – CAMEL POSE Camel Pose is the posture that most people experience intense bodily reactions such...
what is yoga therapy Yoga is all about posture, mindfulness, movement, focus, breath, and rest. Yoga therapy...
For those who are unfamiliar with the practice, getting into yoga for beginners can seem like a...
Most of us start our mornings the same way: we get up, we lumber our way to...
Yoga sharpens mental abilities, including alertness, concentration, and memory. It can also change thinking styles. Certain traits,...
Inverting our usual posture and pressing the torso towards the joints is beneficial to improve the functioning...
Bhastrika Pranayama Practice of yogic breathing enhances the respiratory muscle efficiency and lung compliance by reducing the...
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama: Anuloma Viloma is a very powerful Pranayama practice. If incorporated into daily life it...
Arogya Yoga School, Registered Yoga School with Yoga Alliance USA offers 100 Hours Traditional Hatha, Ashtanga and Vinyasa...
VAMANA DHAUTI In Sanskrit, Vamana means ‘middle’ and Dhauti means ‘purification’. In the yogic literature, this technique...