Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose) ? Bhadrasana is a basic yoga pose suitable for beginners. It is a great asana...
Wheel Pose, also called Chakrasana or Urdva Dhanurasana. Sanskrit: ऊर्ध्वधनुरासन; Urdhva – Upward, Dhanur – Bow, Asana...
Yogic Foods & Recipes “Yogic Foods for Health & Healing” “The three roots—garlic, onion, and ginger—will maintain...
YOGA POSES FOR DIGESTION The digestive system is a set of organs whose timely and optimal functioning...
HEALTH BENEFITS OF UTTANASANA (STANDING FORWARD BEND) There are moments of stress in your lives when you just...
Arogya Yoga School : Best Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh India Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India...
Reclined Hero Pose Supta Virasana is the Sanskrit name for The Reclined Hero Pose. ‘Supta’ means ‘Lying...
HEALTH BENEFITS OF GARLIC Garlics not only keep vampires away, but also keep several health ailments at...
Navasana, also known as boat pose in yoga, is popular among people of all ages and walks...
HEALTH BENEFITS OF ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA – HALF LORD OF THE FISH POSE Ardha Matsyendrasana (pronounced ar-DHUH mutts-YEN-drah-suh-nuh),...
The Plough Pose, Halasana (pronounced ha-laa-suh-nuh) is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘hala’ which means ‘plough’. They...
cat cow yoga pose The Sanskrit name for Cat and Cow Poses is Marjariasana. “Marjay” means cat,...
Health Benefits of Natarajasana – The Lord of Dance Pose Time and again, you find yourself wielding...
Health Benefits of Matsyasana – The Fish Pose Every Yoga pose ever envisioned and created has its...