Health Benefits of Matsyasana – The Fish Pose
Every Yoga pose ever envisioned and created has its own set of advantages and the capability of tackling several ailments of the Mind and Body. Here is a brief on one of the several Yoga Poses used as a remedial measure to moderate a large number of ailments. The Sanskrit word ‘Matsya’ means ‘fish’. It is thus nicknamed The Fish Pose. Aptly labeled the “Destroyer of all Diseases” in the ancient Yogic texts, Matsyasana can restore spinal strength and overall body balance, consequently leading to a better physical and emotional outlook of the practitioner.
Matsyasana stimulates your spine, cervical muscles, thorax, rib cage, and the lungs, thus relieving your fatigue almost instantly.
Steps to perform Matsyasana:
- Begin with the Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
- Maintain a flat back. Make sure your arms are straight, with palms laid out on the mat.
- Gently, bring your palms in under your buttocks.
- Tip your head backwards slightly with your torso resting on the floor. Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds.
- Inhale and use your forearms to lift your chest, shoulders, upper back, and head off the mat.
- Bring the top of your head to rest on the mat and hold this position for a minimum of 30 seconds.
- Return to the initial position.
- Relax and inhale.
- Repeat the process 6-8 times.
Benefits of Matsyasana:
- The stretched upper body allows unrestricted airflow, thus providing extra oxygen into the lungs.
- It expands the bronchial tubes to permit easier breathing. This is especially useful for asthma patients.
- Stretching of the neck and spine stabilizes the functions of the parathyroid, pineal, pituitary, and adrenal glands, thus regulating the hormonal functions within your body. This means increased improvement in skin conditions, and your facial and throat muscles.
- It improves metabolism, which makes it a great pose for those who wish to shed weight,
- It removes soreness of the muscles and bones in your spine and neck.
- It greatly improves posture, flexibility, digestion, thus reducing constipation.
- Practicing certain advanced variations of this pose will help you acquire perfectly toned glutes.
- This pose also allows you to de-stress and detoxify with ease, therefore improving your overall health and happiness.