Bridge pose (Setubndhasana):
Firstly, what exactly is Asana? Asana means, “Sthira Sukham Asanam” I.e a firm, pleasant, and relaxed position.
The Bridge Pose, referred to as Setu Bandhasana in Sanskrit, is a fundamental yoga position. Its name originates from three Sanskrit terms:
- 1. Setu (सेतु), which translates to bridge;
- 2. Bandha (बन्ध), meaning lock or bind; and
- 3. Asana (आसन), signifying pose or posture.
Setu Bandhasana is a position where the body resembles a bridge. To perform it, one lies on their back with knees bent and lifts the hips off the floor while pressing the feet and shoulders into the mat. This pose enhances spinal strength, opens up the chest area, stretches the front of the body, and stabilizes the back. It represents connection and support, akin to how a bridge links two locations.
Asana helps to master the mind and body as well as enhance the overall health and functions of the body. It helps in the overall improvement of circulation throughout the body, removing any blockages and allowing the free flow of energy.
If carried out in a correct manner, these asanas will help cleanse the organs and other systems in the body along with expanding and strengthening the joints and muscles. These are just a few of the innumerable benefits that yoga has.
Setu Bandhasana is a common yoga pose that derives its name from three Sanskrit words Setu, which means bridge, bandha, which means lock, and asana which means pose.
The Bridge poses engages our Quadriceps, hamstrings and Tibialis Anterior, this strengthens our legs, along with this, the Asan also uses our Gluteus Maximus and Rectus Abdominis, this in total will provide rigidity to the whole bode.
Health Benefits of Bridge Pose:
- Strengthens back, glutes and legs.
- Calms the body, alleviates stress and mild depression.
- Stimulates organs of the abdomen, lungs and thyroid.
- Improves digestion.
- Good for women in menopause and menstrual pain.
- Helpful in asthma, osteoporosis, and sinusitis high blood pressure.
- Opens chest, heart and hip flexors.
- Stretches the chest, neck, shoulders and spine.
- Setubandh Asana calms the brain and rejuvenates your tired legs.
Cautions of Setubandh Asana bridge pose-
- People suffering from cervical spondylosis or any neck or back injury should avoid this posture. But, can do it as the therapeutic way (explained below).
Step-by-step come into the bridge pose For Beginners:
- Lie down on your back and press your palms besides you hips.
- Now bend your knees and bring your heels closer to the hips. Keeping your feet hips width apart.
- Keeping your knee above the ankle and facing towards the second big toe.
- Toes pointing front so that the pinkie toe and outer edge of the heel is in line.
- Now keep pressing your palms and your feet and lift your hips and stomach up.
- Keep pressing the feet firmly and do not let you knees pop out. Keep your knees hips width apart.
- Now roll your shoulder back and tuck your shoulders in and interlock your fingers.
- Keep pulling our hands towards the legs and lift your chest, stomach and hips more higher, bringing your chest closer to the chin AND NOT chin closer to the chest.
- Then slowly relax your back and your shoulders.
- People who are dropping their knee out should place a block in between and hold it using the knees. And can also place one block between the feet.
Therapeutic way-
- In Yoga therapy, for people suffering from Asthma, there should be a gap of four fingers between the feet and your palms. So, adjust your legs and move your feet a little forward. And follow the above steps.
- For people suffering from cervical spondylosis or any minor neck pain should use a folded blanket. Place edge of your shoulder on the upper edge of the the folded blanket. And slowly perform the above steps.
Counter Pose-
- For Setubandh Asana, the counter pose is the Pwanmukt Asan or Wind Release Pose.
- Lying on your back and keeping your legs active and straight, bend your right knee.
- Now, interlock the fingers and clasp the fingers on the right knee and bring your knee and thigh closer to the chest. Keeping your left leg active and straight.
- Now perform the same with your left leg keeping the right leg active and straight.
- For the final pose, bend both the knees and perform the same and then pull your knee away from the chest and lift your chest up.
- And then relax.
Bridge pose Setu Bandhasana Video
FAQs about Bridge Pose (Setubandhasana)
1. What are the primary benefits of practicing Bridge Pose Setubndhasana?
Bridge Pose helps strengthen the back, opens the chest and shoulders, improves circulation, and stimulates the abdominal organs.
2. Is Bridge Pose suitable for beginners?
Yes, Bridge Pose is accessible for beginners and can be modified to accommodate different levels of flexibility and strength.
3. How do I properly perform Bridge Pose Setubndhasana?
Start by lying on your back with knees bent, feet hip-width apart. Press your feet into the ground as you lift your hips toward the ceiling while keeping your shoulders relaxed.
4. Can people with back issues practice Bridge Pose?
While many individuals with minor back discomfort may benefit from this pose, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider before attempting it if you have significant back problems.
5. How long should I hold Bridge Pose?
Begin by holding the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, gradually increasing to 2 minutes as you become more comfortable.
6. What modifications can I use if I’m unable to lift my hips high?
You can place a block or bolster under your sacrum for support or keep your hips lower until you’re ready to lift higher.
7. Are there any contraindications for practicing Bridge Pose?
Yes, those with neck injuries, recent abdominal surgery, or pregnancy should avoid this pose unless advised otherwise by a qualified instructor or healthcare provider.
8. When is the best time to practice Bridge Pose?
Bridge Pose can be practiced at any time during the day; however, it is particularly beneficial when included in a morning or evening yoga routine for relaxation and rejuvenation.