Tulsi is called the queen of herbs as it acts as a natural remedy for a lot of diseases. Tulsi, also known as the Indian basil or the holy basil, is often referred to in India as the Queen of Herbs. In India, it is worshipped, and almost everyone has it in their home. It is grown traditionally in Asia and subtropical areas. In ancient times, it was used as ayurvedic medicine in India. Ayurvedic medicine has been practiced for over 3000 years in India.
Tulsi ( basil )consists of specific compounds such as eugenol(pain reliever), Ursolic and rosmarinic acid(antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging), apigenin(flavonoids), lutein(antioxidant), and Ocimum Sides A and B(balances neurotransmitters).
It has specific properties that are beneficial for health. Features that this plant exhibits are: antibacterial, analgesic, anti-allergic, anti-fungal, stimulant, anti-cancer, beautifying, anti-diabetic, and many more. Along with these properties, it is beneficial in treating bronchitis, malaria, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, eczema, eye diseases, and many more.
Let’s look at health benefits Of Tulsi plant :-
health benefits of the holy basil:-
Tulsi ( basil ) Balancing cortisol levels
Cortisol is a stress hormone that works with your brain in regulating your mood, imparting motivation, and fear. When you become emotionally stressed due to your work, relationships, and any other reasons, it raises the levels of cortisol. High cortisol levels lead to abnormal situations that harm your health. It can lead to sleeplessness, which imparts numerous diseases.
Tulsi helps in reducing cortisol levels, which brings back the normal functioning of your body.
Tulsi ( basil ) Helps in curbing anxiety
As per the Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine, it has anti-anxiety and anti-depressant properties. The journal also said that people who ate these leaves felt less anxious, less depressed, and had reduced stress levels. Drinking tea made of tulsi ( basil ) leaves imparts a calming effect on your mind, similar to the people who do yoga. The calming effect gives clear thoughts and the feel of well being.
The antioxidants present in tulsi ( basil ) leaves helps in fighting the excessive free radicals present in your body that imparts harm. It also helps in efficiently removing toxins from your body that helps in improved metabolism as well as breaking down of the bad fats. This process results in weight loss.
Tulsi ( basil ) Fighting free radicals
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, phytonutrients, and antioxidants present in tulsi helps in fighting off the excess free radicals in the body.
Wound healer
The antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties of tulsi helps in treating wounds as well as infections efficiently. Post-surgery wounds are also often treated by tulsi leaves as it aids in quick healing and contraction of wounds. Some infections that it is efficient in healing are mouth ulcers, keloids, raised scars, and acne.
Lowers cholesterol
The eugenol compound present in tulsi ( basil ) helps in reducing the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and increases good cholesterol (HDL) levels. That helps in numerous cardiovascular diseases such as clogged arteries, high blood pressure, hypotension, etc.
Cough remedy
Tulsi is an essential ingredient of many ayurvedic cough syrups. It mobilizes the mucus in asthma and bronchitis. Chewing tulsi leaves helps in getting rid of the flu and cold.
Dengue and Malaria
Dengue and malaria are one of the deadliest diseases which has life-threatening complications. If you are suffering from such conditions, drink a cup of tea which has been boiled with tulsi leaves with no added sugar. You can use honey as a sweetener in it. For acute fevers, mix the tulsi leaves with cardamom powder and milk, brings down the high temperatures during the fever. You can also mix the extract of tulsi with water and sip it every two to three hours.
Respiratory disorders
Mix the decoction of tulsi leaves with honey and ginger. Drink this mix. This mix is an efficient remedy for bronchitis. Apart from this, it also provides relief to asthma, influenza, and cough. For immediate relief from influenza, drinking a mix of decoction of tulsi leaves with cloves and salt is efficient.
Children’s ailments
Common pediatric problems such as cough, cold, diarrhea, fever, nausea, vomiting, etc are common in children. Juice of tulsi leaves is efficient in getting rid of such ailments.
Tulsi ( basil ) Beneficial for eye
Tulsi is also beneficial for your eyes. Wash your eyes with water laced with tulsi basil leaves. This helps in getting rid of various bacterial and fungal infections of the eye. Also, due to its free-radical defense property, it helps eyes from the damage caused by free radicals.Tulsi juice is also essential in treating various eye diseases such as cataract, eye ache, conjunctivitis, burning sensations, and trachoma. Before incorporating tulsi- basil in your diet as well as for external use, always take suggestions from the doctor as the US Foods and Drugs Administration do not monitor it. It shouldn’t be used by infants, pregnant women, and children as there isn’t enough research that suggests a use for them.

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Author Bio:
Jennifer is a wellness lifestyle writer. She loves sharing her thoughts and personal experiences related to natural remedies, yoga and fitness through her writing. She currently writes for How To Cure. She can connect with others experiencing health concerns and help them through their recovery journeys through natural remedies