Surya Namaskar – sun salutation for beginners
Sun Salutation Step-by-Step Instructions
- Stand on the top of your mat (1 feet away from the top edge of the mat) in samasthiti or Tadasana. In Tadasana, big toes touching and heels apart, so that the pinkie toe and the outer edge of the heel in line. Hands active and straight down towards the mat besides your thigh, but not touching the thigh. Inhale Here.
- Now, as you exhale join your palms together, Infront of your chest. Your thumb along your stomach bone and palms pressing each other in Pranam or Namaskar Asan or Prayer pose.
- As you inhale, raise your hands up over the head and arch back.
- Exhale, and fold forward bringing your palms besides your feet. Bend forward from your hips and not your back.
- Inhale, and take your right leg back and rest the knee down, with toes tucked in. Now, bring your body weight on both your legs and raise your hands over the head and arch back.
- Exhale, and lean forward, rest the palms besides the feet. Now, lift your right knee and take the left leg back, bedsides the right and push the hips up and back in Mountain pose or Parvat Asan. Inhale here.
- Now as you exhale, lean forward towards the hands while raising your hips up and arching your back. And rest the chin, upper chest and knee down to the mat at the same time, in Eight Limbs Pose or Ashtang Namashkar Asan.
- As you inhale, push your hips front towards the top of the mat, pointing your toes back and lift your chest up to the Cobra pose or Bhujanga Asan. In Bhujanga Asan, navel is touching the mat and feet together and knees active.
- Exhale, and tuck your toes, lift your hips up and back to the Mountain pose or Parvat Asan.
- Inhale, and take your right leg front between the palms and rest the left knee down, with toes tucked in. Now, bring your body weight on both your legs and raise your hands over the head and arch back.
- Exhale and lean forward. Rest your palms besides the feet. Lift the left knee and bring the left feet besides the right foot and fold forward.
- Now as you inhale, come up and raise your hands over the head and arch back.
- Exhale, straighten your back and bring your palms Infront of your chest in Prayer Pose.
- Now perform the above with other leg, I.e. left leg back first rather than right.
What are 12 steps of Sun Salutations? sun salutation ashtanga
- Pose 1: Prayer pose – Pranamasana.
- Pose 2: Raised arms pose – Hasta Uttanasana.
- Pose 3: Hand to foot pose – Hasta Padasana.
- Pose 4: Equestrian pose – Ashwa Sanchalanasana.
- Pose 5: Mountain pose – Parvatasana.
- Pose 6: Ashtanga Namaskara.
- Pose 7: Cobra pose – Bhujangasana.
Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar:
Whenever there is talk of yoga, the name of Surya Namaskar comes first. Its single practice alone gives good exercise to the body. By doing Surya Namaskar regularly, the body becomes healthy and fit. Apart from heart, stomach, chest, intestines and legs, other parts of the body are greatly benefited by doing this. It not only detoxifies the body, but also keeps all the worry and tension of the mind away from you.
- If you want to make your back and hamstrings strong and flexible, then doing Gomukhasana and Paschimottanasana after Surya Namaskar will be of great benefit.
- By doing Surya Namaskar, the spine gets both flexibility and strength.
- Surya Namaskar strengthens our arms, spine and hamstrings. But after doing Surya Namaskar, we need to stretch these body parts. Experts have told about two such asanas, which you must do after Surya Namaskar.
- Improved complexion.
- Ensures a better functioning digestive system.
- Helps combat insomnia.
- Ensures regular menstrual cycle.
- Useful in treatment of frozen shoulders.
- Spinal cord and abdominal muscles are stretched
Happy Learning and Growing