INTUITION : means something beyond the intellect
Intuition cannot be explained scientifically because the very phenomenon is unscientific and irrational. The very phenomenon of intuition is irrational. In language it looks okay to ask, “Can intuition be explained?” It means: can intuition be reduced to intellect? But intuition means something beyond the intellect, something not of the intellect, something coming from someplace where intellect is totally unaware. So intellect can feel it, but it cannot explain it.
The leap can be felt because there is a gap. Intuition can be felt by the intellect — it can be noted down that something has happened — but it cannot be explained, because explanation means causality. Explanation means: from where does it come? Why does it come? What is the cause? And it comes from somewhere else, not from the intellect itself so there is no intellectual cause; there is no reason, no link, no continuity in the intellect.
It is a different realm of happening that is not related to the intellect at all, although it can penetrate the intellect. It must be understood that a higher reality can penetrate a lower reality, but the lower cannot penetrate the higher. So intuition can penetrate intellect because it is higher, but intellect cannot penetrate intuition because it is lower. It is just like your mind can penetrate your body, but your body cannot penetrate the mind. Your being can penetrate the mind, but the mind cannot penetrate the being. That is why, if you are going into the being, you have to separate yourself from body and mind, both. They cannot penetrate a higher phenomenon. But the intellect can feel the gap, it can know the gap, it can come to feel that “something has happened which is beyond me.” If even this much can be done, the intellect has done much.
If you are rationally trained, you will not allow the higher; you will deny it, you will say, “It cannot be. It must be my imagination; it must be my dream. Unless I can prove it rationally, I will not accept it.” A rational mind becomes closed, closed within the boundaries of reasoning, and intuition cannot penetrate. But you can use the intellect without being closed; then you can use reason as an instrument, but you remain open, you are receptive to the higher. If something comes, you are receptive. Then you can use your intellect as a help: it notes down that “something has happened that is beyond me.” It can help you to understand this gap. Beyond that, intellect can be used for expression — not for explanation, for expression