Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye Paramatmane Shloka (mantra) to remove all troubles
The mantra “Om Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye Paramatmane, Pranata: Kleshanashaya Govindaya Namo Nama:” is a powerful Sanskrit chant dedicated to Lord Krishna. Each word in this mantra carries significant meaning, and the overall chant holds profound spiritual and metaphysical significance.
Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye Paramatmane Shloka
Sanskrit Shloka
ॐ कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय हरये परमात्मने॥
प्रणत: क्लेशनाशाय गोविंदाय नमो नम:॥

oṁ kr̥ṣṇāya vāsudevāya haraye paramātmane॥
praṇata: kleśanāśāya goviṁdāya namo nama:॥
English Transcript
Mantra of Krishna for all problems
om krishnaya vasudevaya haraye paramatmane||
pranata: kleshanashaya govindaya namo nama:||

Hindi Translation
वासुदेव के पुत्र श्री भगवान कृष्ण अपने शरणागत के
दुखों को हरने वाले है और ऐसे कृपालु श्री गोविन्द को बारम्बार नमन।
Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye Paramatmane Shloka Meaning
ॐ (Om) – A sacred sound representing the ultimate reality
कृष्णाय (Krishnaya) – To Lord Krishna
वासुदेवाय (Vasudevaya) – Who is the son of Vasudeva हरये (Haraye) – Who removes our sorrows परमात्मने (Paramatmane) – The Supreme Soul
प्रणत: (Pranata:) – Salutations
क्लेशनाशाय (Kleshanashaya) – Who destroys the sufferings
गोविन्दाय (Govindaya) – To Lord Govinda (another name of Krishna)
नमो नम: (Namo Nama:) – I bow down again and again
Overall, this mantra is an invocation and a way to offer reverential salutations to Lord Krishna, recognizing him as the remover of sufferings and the Supreme Soul.
Benefits of Chanting the Mantra:
- Devotional Connection: Chanting this mantra helps in establishing a strong devotional connection with Lord Krishna, fostering love, and devotion towards him.
- Protection: It invokes Lord Krishna’s blessings and protection, shielding devotees from negativities and adversities.
- Removal of Suffering: By recognizing Lord Krishna as the remover of sufferings, the mantra can help alleviate physical, mental, and spiritual afflictions.
- Spiritual Progress: Regular chanting of this mantra can lead to spiritual growth, inner peace, and a deeper understanding of the divine.
It is important to remember that the effectiveness of chanting this mantra lies in one’s sincerity, faith, and consistent practice. Devotees may experience the benefits in various aspects of life, including mental well-being, emotional balance, and spiritual evolution.