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Lizard pose
Lizard pose in Sanskrit is called Utthan (meaning: stretch out) Paristh (meaning: the back, the rear) Asana (meaning: pose) is an asana that uses and engages most of our body muscles. Practicing this asana deeply opens up our hip- flexors, strengthens our core, back, arms, shoulders and quadriceps.
What Muscles Does Engages and Focuses on?
Lizard pose mainly engages and stretches hip- flexors, quadriceps, spine, calves.
How To Get Into Lizard Pose
Here are different ways to get into lizard pose.

Get into lizard pose from equally standing pose
- Take Samasthiti position or equally standing pose
- Raise your arms up and fold forward
- Now, press your palms on the mat making sure the arrangement of your palms and feet is as such : your one palm between feet and other one placed beside the outer edge other feet
- Now, press your palms and slide the leg between two palms back as much as possible while lowering the knee of front leg
- Your knee, ankle and second big toe should be in line
- Now, slowly bend your elbows and go on your forearms, elbows should be placed shoulders width apart beside each other
- Adjust yourself, stretch as much as possible until you are comfortable
- Knee of the leg behind lifted, straight and active
- Back straight and elbows beside the heels of front leg
- Hold for 30 seconds or longer
- Repeat the same with the other leg, the leg in front goes back and the leg in back goes front.
Get into lizard pose from downward facing dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
- Once you are in downward facing dog position
- Slide your one leg forward and place it on the outer edge of your palm
- Bend the knee of your front leg and keep going down feeling the stretch in your inner thigh
- Slowly bend your elbows and go on your forearms, elbows should be placed shoulders width apart beside each other
- Now, go deeper into the stretch until you are comfortable and then
- Adjust yourself, knee of the leg behind lifted, straight and active
- Knees and second big toe should be in line of the front leg and elbows beside the heels
- Hold for 30 seconds or longer
- Repeat the same with the other leg, the leg in front goes back and the leg in back goes front.
Get into lizard pose from high lunge
- From high lunge place both your palms side by side on the mat beside the forward leg
- Now, slowly get on your forearms, lower your hips and slide your back feet back.
- Keep your back straight, legs active and go deeper into the stretch as much as possible
- Hold for 30 seconds
- Repeat the same with the other leg, the leg in front goes back and the leg in back goes front.
lizard pose Alignment
- Knee: Front knee should be aligned with your ankle, back knee should be straight and lifted.
- Elbows: Should be placed beside the heel of the front leg.
- Hip alignment: Make sure hips are not tilting them to one side.
- Lower back: Straight.
- If you can’t raise the knee of the leg behind up you can keep them rested on the mat but they should be active you can slowly start lifting your knees up as you progress
- No need to go deeper into the stretch just push yourself until you are comfortable
- If you can’t drop your elbows down just keep your arms straight like in plank position.
Benefits of Lizard Pose
- Opens the hips: Lizard pose is a great hip opening pose, it strengthens the core, stretches the spine, improves flexibility and promotes blood circulation.
- Decreases lower back pain: Practicing This pose regularly can result in significantly reduced lower back pain as it improves hip flexibility and aligns the spine.
- Enhances posture: Enhances posture by stretching the spine creating space between each and every vertebrate and opening up the hip flexors.
- Relaxes and lessens stress: Holding the posture for several seconds while deep breathing can promote relaxation and reduce stress.
- Promote mindfulness: It can help the practitioner be more mindful while holding the pose by moving the awareness inside totally being present and aware of the posture.
Lizard pose is one of the highly recommended asanas if you want to open up your hips deeply, it doesn’t just work on your hips but over all body including upper body and lower body. It can be very helpful to release tension in your hips and lower back. Always listen to your body to avoid exhaustion and over practicing to diminish the chances of potential injuries.