Satsang / Satsanga / Satsangam is a word which comes from sanskrit meaning “to associate with true people “, to be in the company of true people – sitting with a sat guru, or in a group meeting seeking that association. Inner satsang is to raise the consciousness to a level of realization that soul (atma) and Lord (Parmatma) are One.
सत्सङ्ग (Sanskrit):
- Sat (Sanskrit) = true; see also Sacca, Sacha and Satyagraha
- Sangha (Sanskrit) = company or association
This typically involves listening to or reading scriptures, reflecting on, discussing and assimilating their meaning, meditating on the source of these words, and bringing their meaning into one’s daily life.
You have heard the word SATSANG. It is totally wrongly used.
Satsang means in close proximity of the truth; it means near the truth, it means near a Master who has become one with the truth – just being near him, open, receptive and waiting. If your waiting has become deep, intense, a deep communion will happen.
The Master is not going to do anything. He is simply there, available. If you are open, he will flow within you. This flowing is called SATSANG. With a Master you need not learn anything else. If you can learn satsang, that’s enough – if you can just be near him without asking, without thinking, without arguing: just present there, available, so the being of the Master can flow in you. And being can flow. It is already flowing. Whenever a person achieves integrity, his being becomes a radiation.
What Happens in a Satsang?
A satsang is a spiritual meeting where individuals unite with a teacher or guru to delve into topics of truth, wisdom, and self-exploration. The term “satsang” is derived from Sanskrit, combining “Sat,” which translates to truth, and “Sang,” which signifies companionship or assembly. In essence, it refers to the experience of being in the presence of truth. Usually follows a specific order:
1. Silence & Meditation – It often begins with a moment of silence or guided meditation to help participants calm their minds and focus.
2. Bhajans & Chanting – People sing devotional songs or chant mantras to create a positive atmosphere and connect with their hearts.
3. Wisdom Teachings – The guru or teacher shares spiritual knowledge through lectures, stories, or sacred texts, encouraging self-reflection and deeper understanding.
4. Questions & Answers – Attendees can ask questions to get advice on personal matters or philosophical topics.
5. Blessings & Closing – The gathering ends with prayers, blessings, or a moment of gratitude. Joining a satsang can be a life-changing experience, bringing inner peace, clarity, and a sense of connection to higher consciousness. Whether in Rishikesh or anywhere else, participating in a satsang can be an important step on one’s spiritual journey.
Meaning of Satsang in Hindi
सत्संग संस्कृत भाषा से लिया गया एक शब्द है जहाँ ‘सत’ का अर्थ है “आदर्श, शुद्ध और सच्चा सार” और ‘संग’ का अर्थ है “संघ”। विभिन्न धार्मिक और आध्यात्मिक संगठनों द्वारा समूहों में सत्संग का आयोजन किया जाता है। यह घटना महत्वपूर्ण घटना के उत्सव का प्रतीक है।
सत्संग का अर्थ क्या होता है?
सत्संग (संस्कृत सत् = सत्य, संग= संगति) का अर्थ भारतीय दर्शन में है (1) “परम सत्य” की संगति, (2) गुरु की संगति, या (3) व्यक्तियों की ऐसी सभा की संगति जो सत्य सुनती है, सत्य की बात करती है और सत्य को आत्मसात् करती है।