The innate instinct of any animal after waking up every morning is to stretch its muscles in...
Locust Pose Shalabhasana Locust Pose Salabhasana is an intermediate backbend pose which stretches your entire back, spine, chest...
Pranayama Pranayama is breathing techniques. It’s a main component of yoga, an exercise for physical and mental wellness....
Mantra Chanting Class Arogya Yoga School Arogya Yoga School 20 Hours Mantra Chanting Class in 200 Hour...
Agnisthambasana (fire log pose) Sometimes life can seem as if it aims to put out the tiniest...
HEALTH BENEFITS OF PASASANA – NOOSE POSE Pasasana (pronounced pAsh-Ah-suh-nuh) also known as the Noose Pose is...
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that leads to unprovoked and recurrent seizures. A seizure refers to a...
Health Benefits of Ujjayi Pranayama : Breathing routines in the Yogic convention are applied to manipulate the...
PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA – HEALTH BENEFITS Inverting our usual posture and pressing the torso towards the joints is...
PADA PRASARA PASCHIMOTTANASANA – HEALTH BENEFITS No fitness programme is complete without a flexibility module, which has...
Your home has the facility to regulate the temperature according your convenience. The air-conditioner makes it cooler,...
Ginger – zingiber officinale Ginger, scientifically known as zingiber officinale, is a flowering plant that is closely...
Gomukhasana – Cow Face Pose (pronounced go-muKHA-suh-nuh) is an intermediate level seated posture. The name is derived...
We often find our muscles sore and stiff due to various reasons such as working in the...