Arogya Yoga School
Sadhana – Practice:
The process in which aspirant unfolds develops and enlightens himself is called Sadhana. Sadhana is that practice which has the power to carry the seeker to his objective. Our object is to realise the truth of life. We have to bring about our maximum development and arouse and express the power lying dormant within us. It is possible through practice alone. Life itself should be a Sadhana. We must use all circumstances in life, whether good or bad, happy or painful, to promote our Sadhana. All circumstances in life cannot be made to suit us, but continuous Sadhana makes us feel that the condition which is hostile to us at present, is in fact an opportunity for advancement on the path.
In whatever circumstances you are, live as a sadhaka (spiritual seeker). Three things are absolutely necessary to be a spiritual seeker: first, to be ever wakeful and persistent in realising one’s aim; second, to be careful about the right use of time; third, to make the right use of every situation and circumstances in life. The whole world and its objects can come within scope of our spiritual practice. Everything should be used as material for our practice. Look at a householder’s life. If the husband and wife, in their lives, become spiritual means for each other, both can achieve success. On the contrary, if they treat each other only as objects of pleasure and begin to live a profligate life, they will both be restless. In a household, wife, son, family, relatives, wealth, all must serve as means for the spiritual development of one another.
Discrimination is necessary for Sadhana. Everyone has enough understanding to know the right path of his own welfare. But in spite of this understanding man does not do what is necessary for his own evolution and enlightenment. It is so because we forget that this life is only chance for the advancement of our Sadhana. A life full of sadhana is the best life.