Tadasana, Mountain Pose or Samasthiti – Equal Standing Position:
Tadasana, Mountain Pose or Samasthiti is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise; it is not described in medieval hatha yoga texts. It is the basis for several other standing asanas. Tadasana is best for full body stretching or stretching before exercise. Apart from this, this asana is also best for reducing the pain in the waist of those who do desk jobs.
The word ‘Tadasana‘ is made up of two Sanskrit words Tada and Asana. Their joint meaning is a mountain-like posture. This asana is also called the origin of other asanas. The origin of all rugs is believed to be from this.
Most standing postures put pressure on either a particular part of the body or a particular joint. Whereas in Tadasana, all the joints of the body and the entire body are simultaneously pressurized.
Tadasana can be practiced at any time of the day, even after eating. But if you have to do other yogasanas after this asana, then eat food 4-6 hours before. Apart from this, make sure to defecate before practicing asana.

Tadasana/Samasthiti (Equal Standing Position)
Base Position:- Tadasan (this is the foundation of all standing poses).
Cues and Alignment:-
- Feet together, legs together.
- Big toes touching each other.
- Press all four corners of the feet on to the mat.
- Legs active (knee cap up).
- Engage your leg muscles.
- Tail bone tucked in, belly in.
- Spine straight.
- Shoulders away from ears.
- Hands active beside the hips, palm facing towards thigh.
- Chin parallel to the floor.
- Gaze on your tip of the nose.
Modification: –
- If it’s hard to balance: – feet open hips width distance.
- Wall support.
- Those who are suffering from migraine: – no need to look on your tip of the nose.

Beginner tips of Tadasana
If you are doing Tadasana for the first time, then you may find it difficulty. Apart from this, balance should also be difficult. But keeping the gap between your legs 5-6 inches will make it easier for you to balance during the practice of Tadasana.
Benefits of Tadasana
- Tadasan teach you to balance the physical body.
- It strengthens the feet.
- Tadasan increases blood flow.
- Knees, thighs and ankles are strengthened by doing postures daily.
- The hips and lower abdomen become stronger.
- Practicing Tadasana daily provides relief in sciatica problem.
- The practice of asana gives relief in the problem of flat feet.
- The spine is strong.
- Performing this asana in children and adolescents helps in increasing the height.
- Improves balance of body.
- Improves your digestion, nerves and breathing system.