Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
Trikonasana (Triangle pose) Base position: – Tadasana (Equal standing position)
Trikonasana (Triangle pose) Cues (how to get in final position): –
- From tadasana open your legs 4 feet distance, turn your right foot
out to the 90-degree angle and left foot turn in to the 45- or 60-
degree angle. - Heel to the inner arch of the back foot inline.
- Press all four corners of the feet on the mat.
- Knee and second big toe inline, legs active (knee cap up).
- Pelvis open (push the right hip forward and draw the left hip
back). - Stretch the hand’s sideway.
- Now tilt your pelvis to the left and pull the right-hand right side
without disturbing the back place your right palm outside of the
front foot and left hand up towards the sky. - Turn the chest upward so chest open.
- Gaze upward towards the raised hand.
Trikonasana (Triangle pose) Alignment: –
- Feet: -front foot 90-degree angle.
- Back foot 45- or 60-degree angle.
- Heel to the inner arch of the back foot inline.
- Distance between both the legs is 4 feet.
- Press all four corners of the feet on the mat.
- Knee and second big toe inline.
- Legs active (knee cap up).
- Pelvis open.
- Tailbone tucked in, belly in.
- The spine is straight.
- Shoulders away from the ear.
- Hands away from each other (wrist to shoulder and shoulder to wrist inline).
- Gaze upward toward the raised hand.
Trikonasana -Triangle pose how to get in final positionRating: 5 (best score: 5), “True“.

Item reviewed:
- Claim author’s name: Rich Perry.