Extended Side Angle Pose
Namaste everyone today we will do extended side angle pose. So extended means bodhitha in Sanskrit. Side means parsva. Kona means angle and asana means position. So here we will learn how to practice side angle pose and how to get into the side angle pose.
How to do extended side angle pose
- So let’s get started. So find any comfortable sitting position. So we’ll start with mantra chanting. So close your eyes.
- Now slowly, open your eyes. So, first go to the Shashankashin. So, modern term is called Child Pose Balashin. But traditionally, it’s called Shashankashin. So knees open, hips apart. And maintain your hands active and straight. So walk your hands more front, as far as you can, without lifting your hips. So for resting down,
- so we’ll do first the mountain pose, Parvatasana. So Parvatasana is also the base position. To get to the side angle. So first base position is Samasthiti. From standing position, you take one leg back and do side angle. Now, we are doing from the mountain pose. So look front, press your palms, come onto your knee and then tuck your toes, back to the downward facing.
- So in mountain pose, so feet together, so mount, do mountain pose. So feet together, legs together, maintain your hands active and keep, lift up your spine by tilting your pelvis up. Now inhale, look front, and lean forward, and take your right leg front between your palms, and turn your back foot out. So when you’re turning your back foot out, your heel and your back inner arch of the foot is going to be in line automatically.
- That’s why it’s, uh, For me, it’s the best way to get the side angle pose. So, place your hands outside of your right palm, right outside of your right foot, and check your front leg first. Make sure your knee, thigh, and hip should be in straight line, and your knee, any second vector in line. So, most of the people, they are doing this.
- The hip is pushing back, knees is popping forward. So, the purpose is not to go deeper. So before going deeper, maintain your front leg aligned. So you can use block. So place the block outside of your right foot. Now you can see the right knee is popping this way and my hip is pushing this way. So I’m pushing the right knee back towards the elbow.
- And I’m pushing the right hip forward. Now you can see my right thigh is parallel, 90. Now, from here, maintain the back leg active, and draw the left hip back. So we have to open the pelvis here in this position. So it’s an open pelvis posture, hip opening posture. Now, my front leg is in line, back leg is in line.
- And then left hand over the head close to the ear. So in side angle pose, you’re left outside of your foot and for the tip of the fingers to be in a straight line, then you’ll feel the stretch the side of the legs. So this is a side angle pose. So sometimes for beginners, most of the people, they are popping the knees forward.
- So best way, you just place your hands inside your right foot. Now your right knee is not popping forward because of your hand. So you can push the right knee back with your right upper arm or the elbow and do this first. Or if it’s hard to go deeper, you can place your forearm on your right side, left hand up.
- And then, slowly back to the mountain pose. Parvatasana.
- Keep breathing here, longer and deeper.
- Now, we’ll change the, change the position, changing, by changing the legs. So, take the left leg front, and turn your back foot out. Now, when you’re turning your back foot out, don’t come up all the way. You have to check your alignment, how’s your legs. Is it front knee in line with your second toe? Is it your thigh parallel or not?
- Is it your hip and your knee in straight line or not? So now first align this, and then place your hand and chest open. So maintaining your front leg stable now when you align it. And then draw the right hip back. Now here you have to open your pelvis. If you are in, if you are going deeper, then it’s hard to open your pelvis.
- So you can use block or either you can place your forearm on your left thigh and then rotate your right hip without disturbing your family in line and then write him above close to the.
- So this is a side angle pose.
Extended side angle pose variation
- We can do with other variation. Your right hand goes back and catch your left side. So this action will help you to open the chest. Open the chest area.
- Or if you want a more intense way you can do baddha hastha. So your left hand goes underneath your left thigh and rotate it back. and catch your wrist and keep turning the chest. So it’s called Baddha Hasta Parsva Konasana. And then slowly come back, back to the mountain pose, Parvatasana. Sitting bone higher,
- Inhale and as we exhale do the eight limbs pose. Now we’ll do the eight limbs. In the name of the Lord, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.