If you’ve taken an exercise class or a meditation class or an energy-healing session such as reiki or even watched online videos about those topics there’s a good chance you’ve known about chakras and their role to are in the energy flow within your body.
You might also have learned that it’s crucial for you to ensure that the chakras are free or unblocked.
what is a chakra
In Sanskrit “chakra, “chakra” is a reference to “disk” also known as “wheel” and is a reference towards the centers of energy of your body.
In order to function at their highest Your chakras must remain open or balanced. If they become blocked, you might suffer from emotional or physical symptoms associated with a particular chakra.
There are seven major chakras that are located along your spine. They begin at the base or base of your spine, and continue up to the top of your head. However, there are some who think that you’ve got at least the number of chakras throughout your body.
History of chakras
Chakras are only becoming more widely known, due to the rise in popularity of yoga as well as New Age philosophies in general. They are an intricate and ancient system of energy which originated in India. They first appeared in the Vedas the ancient sacred texts that contain spiritual wisdom dating back to 1200 up to 1,000 BC.
7 Chakras And Their Symbols

The seven principal of 7 Main chakras?
The chakra system is the energy centers that we have within our bodies. There are seven chakras major with each one located in a particular position in your spine. Let’s examine each more carefully.
what are 7 chakras
Root chakra
It is also known as the root chakra also known as Muladhara is situated at the bottom of the spine. he root chakra is the one the source of your sense of safety and stability.
Sacral chakra
Sacral chakra also known as Svadhisthana is located beneath the belly button. It is the source of your creative and sexual energy. It also affects how you feel about your feelings as also the feelings of other people.
Solar plexus chakra
The chakra of the solar plexus, or Manipura is located within your stomach. It’s the source of confidence and self-esteem and also helps you feel confident in your life.
Heart chakra
The chakra of the heart, also known as Anahata is situated close to your heart, which is located in the middle of your chest. It’s it should come as no shock that this chakra about our capacity to show love and compassion.
The throat chakra
The chakra of the throat, also known as Vishuddha is located inside the throat. The chakra is involved with the ability of communicating with words.
Third eye chakra
Third eye chakra also called Ajna is located in between the eyes. It is believed to be responsible for having a strong gut feeling. The third eye is the one responsible for the ability to discern. It’s also associated with imagination.
Crown chakra
Your crown chakra also called Sahasrara is situated at the top of your head. The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is located at the top of your head. Sahasrara is your spiritual connection to your self as well as others and the world. It is also a factor in the purpose of your life.
How do you unblock the chakra?
Based on Malaspina, the best way to create balance in a chakra is to achieve an alignment in your body via:
- yoga postures
- breathing techniques to help increase circulation of energy
- meditation to help bring mental clarity
Every chakra has yoga postures which can help you fine tune your energy. Here are some yoga poses that can help you unblock the seven chakras in your body.
Root chakra
The chakra that is located in the root is the foundation chakra, and it reflects your body’s foundation. Based on Terranes, Tree Pose or any other balancing pose such as the Mountain or Warrior can help you establish more connection to the body’s foundation.
Sacral chakra
The sacral chakra is connected to our reproductive organs and is the source of our sensuality and creativity.
Terrones suggests poses that help will strengthen your pelvic floor in which the sacral chakra is situated and is a good example of this. bridge Pose and deep hip openings such as Poses like Pigeon Pose and Lizard Pose are fantastic for strengthening the sacral chakra.
Solar plexus chakra
The chakra of the solar plexus focused on your inner fire , and is located in your heart. That’s the reason why Terrones recommends that core strengthening postures, like the Boat as well as Triangle are excellent to energize your abs and helping to create more balance in this chakra.
Heart chakra
The heart chakra, as per Terrones is the integration of the lower chakras and higher chakras. “It reflects our ability to open ourselves up to deeper connections with others,” she stated.
To clear the chakra in this area, she suggests heart opening exercises, such as Camel Pose or Wheel. She also suggests cow face pose or Humble Warrior that help to open your shoulders, chest and arms, so that you can be more open to other people.
The throat chakra
It is believed that the throat chakra is the center of communication. Based on Terrones, Plow and Fish are fantastic postures to open the throat chakra. Both can help open the front and back areas of the neck which is where the throat chakra is.
Third eye chakra
Third eye chakra controls your capacity to bring an entirely new world in your life by creating new possibilities. Terrones suggests poses that focus on connecting your upper body linked to the lower part of your body.
According to Terrones Poses like the Forward Fold and Folded Eagle are great for the third eye.
“In these poses, our higher self, represented by our upper bodies, establishes a connection with our more rooted parts of our bodies, our legs, so that we can manifest a dream into a physical reality.”
Crown chakra
The crown chakra governs how you connect to your spiritual self. The reason Terrones recommends the posture that follows every yoga pose: Savasana, or Corpse Pose.
Bottom line
Chakras refer to a variety of energy centers throughout your body. They are connected to particular nerve bundles as well as internal organs.
7 major chakras stretch from the bottom of your spine up to at the peak of your head. If these energy centers become blocked, you could suffer from emotional or physical symptoms connected to a specific chakra. If You are interested to know about How Can Awaken Your Chakras With Yoga join Meditation Yoga Teacher Training Course