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Yantras And Mandalas

In Yantras and Mandalas we find some similarity with the chakras, and their symbols.

Yantras And Mandalas is Sanskrit for circle and centre.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary definition reads: “Symbolic, circular figure, as a religious system of the Universe. Such symbol, in dream, representing (the) dreamer’s search for completeness and self unity.”

The poet William Blake wrote:

“The vegetative universe opens like a flower from the earth’s centre, in which is eternity.” “To see a World in a grain of sand, And Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an Hour”

A Mandala has three properties:

  1. Centre
  2. Symmetry – sometimes fluid in form
  3. Cardinal points – sometimes pictorial

It can be composed from many substances, for example, metal, wood, skin, stone, paper,
silk, or coloured powder, in a design on the ground. ‘Rose’ windows, Celtic designs, are
examples in Western culture.

UNITY OF SELF WITH THE UNIVERSE This is effected by concentration on the form. This concentration has different cultural interpretations. An Internal Meditation on Mandala The eye is a Mandala form. A circle, the sun, a light, the light within. The eyes (when closed) become like a single
lens, reflecting the light within. Try this, keeping the forehead high and wide, visualising
your own iris.


This is a geometrical composition, the whole or part of which is contained in a circle.
It is a power diagram. One has to recognise the power in each form and its interaction. It
is used in the Tantric tradition and the Chakras have geometric symbols which are used
to bind and absorb the mind.
The Yantra has four properties:

  1. The centre point, ‘bindu’
  2. Symmetry, but sometimes surrounded by mandalas
  3. Triangle or a square, contained in a circle
  4. Use of sound, internal or external

It can be of paper, silk, a ground plan or a building

Purpose of Yantra

Use a Yantra to tune in to the power of the universe and awaken your inner power.This form of meditation is very powerful in focusing the mind. It is not suitable for thos with mental instability, as it can become hypnotic. This type of Yoga is not taught in the West in its full form, as it is a very difficult path to follow. However, we may benefit from a simplified form. There are sometimes reverse colours or movements seen in the design, this is a normal physiological response and has the effect of stilling and focusing the mind away from the external. This is not an end in itself. To get addicted to this level is not healthy, it is simply to give an initial impetus to the concentration.

The most famous Yantra is the Sri Yantra. The practitioner needs to have mental stability or be within a firm spiritual tradition. It can appeal to the creative, mathematical and
mystical in people as these are archetypal forms. Many religious buildings are built using Yantra and Mandala as the foundation layout.
The study of Yantra and Mandalas can give us aesthetic pleasure and bind our minds.

You may be able to think of other traditional or western forms for yourself.

What does Yantra mean?

Apart from invoking divine, the Yantras are also used by sadhaks as an object of
meditation, as some paint huge yantra on walls of temples or a place where one
can seat silently and concentrate on the same.
The study of Yantra is an important step in the journey of particular siddhi for some

Shri Navagraha Yantra

list of 9 yantras

  • Surya / Sun Yantra.
  • Chandra / Moon Yantra.
  • Mangal / Mars Yantra.
  • Budh / Mercury Yantra.
  • Guru / Jupiter Yantra.
  • Shukra / Venus Yantra.
  • Shani / Saturn Yantra.
  • Rahu Yantra
  • Ketu Yantra.
navgrah yantra

We all have questions on Yantra – Tantra – Mantra- or be any occult field we are into.

  • Do these Yantras work. Does Yantra have an good and godly impact on us.
  • Are the Yantra we see now a days effect us in any way.
  • Does Yantras have super beneficial powers to control or eradicate our problems or to sustain our current situation or to improve our current scenarios.

The Answer is YES

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