yoga for back pain: Now days many people have back pain. This is often because of our current lifestyle. either inactive office work or poor posture.
Back pain not only hurts but also gets irritating if does not go away and hinders our day to day life. If you’re dealing with back pain, YOGA may be just what YOU ARE LOOKING FOR, and doctors might have suggested it to you as well.
Yoga is a therapy for both the mind and body. Many people often suggest helping with back pain and the stress that comes with it.
Yoga serves as a powerful method for alleviating back pain, enhancing posture, and fortifying the spine. Many yoga poses stretch and strengthen the muscles that support the back. This helps ease discomfort from bad posture, muscle imbalances, or long periods of sitting.
yoga for back pain
Here are the postures with correct alignment and steps. A video will help you achieve each posture for better results.

Cobra Pose (bhujangasana yoga for back pain)
Doing cobra pose often with the right form can help make your back stronger and reduce back pain. Cobra pose uses the spinal extensors, hamstrings and gluteus maximus. This provides rigidly to our lower back, cobra yoga poses for back pain relieving.
- Lie down on your belly in prone position.
- Toes pointing back, feet together and large toes touching and if possible bring the heels also together.
- Press the tops of your feet down. This will make your legs active. When your legs are active, your knees lift off the mat. This helps engage your quads.
- Keeping your hands besides your lower chest, fingers active and root of the fingers pressing down.
- Now, without pressing your palms, bring your elbows closer together. As you inhale, use your leg and back muscles to lift your chest up.
- And then exhale and slowly come all the way with control.
- Perform this 5-7 times.
crocodile pose (Makarasan yoga for back pain)
Crocodile pose relaxes our whole spine and back and leg muscles. This will help you to relief from back pain.
- Lie down on your belly in prone position.
- Open your feet shoulder width apart with the toes emphasizing outward and heels facing each other.
- Then press the inner arch of the feet, lift your knees and rest the knees down (for adjusting the knees).
- And rest your forehead on the back of your palms. One palm over the other.
- For advanced posture, come to your forearm and tuck the elbow in to shoulder width distance.
- Now, place the palms on your cheeks and rest the chin on the palms.
- Remember, elbow not under the shoulder rather a little ahead of the shoulder.

Locust Pose for Relieving Back Pain
The Locust Pose, or Salabhasana, is a helpful yoga pose. It enhances lower back strength and boosts spine flexibility. This pose can also help reduce back pain relief. This position is especially advantageous for those experiencing pain due to poor posture or underdeveloped back muscles.
Steps to Practice Locust Pose
- Lie down on your belly in prone position.
- Place your hands underneath your things, keeping the toes pointing back and together.
- Keep pressing the top of the feet and tighten the knees.
- Now as you inhale first raise your right leg up, keep pressing the left top of the feet without turning your hips to one side.
- Get your right leg down and as you inhale repeat the above step with the left leg.
- For final pose, now as you inhale raise both the legs up together, keeping the legs active and straight. Now as you exhale slowly get the legs down to the mat with control.
- Then relax your hands and your legs, can also relax in crocodile pose
Bow Pose yoga positions for back pain
Dhanurasana, known as Bow Pose, is a powerful backbend in yoga. It improves spinal flexibility and strength.
This pose also boosts energy levels. This pose gets its name because it looks like a bow. The body forms an arc while holding the ankles, and it resembles a bow that someone pulls tight.
The counter pose is necessary after bow pose.
- Lying down on your belly, bend your left knee and turn the left knee out.
- Bring your left elbow towards the left knee and relax.
- Then perform with same with other leg.
- OR you can also go Shashank Asan (Modern Child Pose)
Triangle Pose Good for Back Pain
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) can be beneficial for back pain when practiced correctly. This standing yoga pose stretches and strengthens the spine, hips, and legs, helping to improve posture and relieve tension in the lower back.
Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is a common issue. It often comes from bad posture, weak muscles, or sitting too long.
yoga exercises for lower back pain: yoga asanas can help reduce this pain. It strengthens the back and improves flexibility. It also promotes relaxation.
Some poses stretch and support the lower spine. This helps relieve tension and pain.
Best yoga asanas for back pain
1. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana ) – This gentle sequence enhances spinal flexibility, warms up the back, and alleviates stiffness. cat-cow pose is easy and best yoga asanas for lower back pain.
2. Child’s Pose (Balasana) – A soothing stretch that elongates the spine, relieves tension, and calms lower back discomfort.
3. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) – Stretches the entire back, hamstrings, and calves while fostering proper spinal alignment.
4. Sphinx Pose – A gentle backbend that strengthens the lower back and aids in maintaining better posture.
5. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana yoga for back pain) – Bolsters the lower back and core while enhancing spinal stability.
6. Reclined Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana) – This pose opens the hips. It also helps relieve pressure on the lower back and sciatic nerve.
Yoga for Back Pain Beginners Guide
Yoga offers a comprehensive and efficient method for alleviating back pain. Especially advantageous for beginners looking for mild stretches and strength-building exercises. Regularly practicing yoga can improve posture, increase flexibility, and reduce tension in the back muscles.
Good yoga poses for lower back pain for Beginners
Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana yoga for back pain) – This pose warms up the spine, enhances flexibility, and alleviates tightness.
Child’s Pose (Balasana yoga for back pain) – A soothing stretch that alleviates lower back tension and promotes a sense of relaxation.
Sphinx Pose – A mild backbend boosting spine flexibility and posture.
Knee-to-Chest Stretch – Gently stretches the lumbar region to relieve lower back pain.
Supine Twist – Aids in reducing spinal stiffness and improves overall mobility.