Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that leads to unprovoked and recurrent seizures. A seizure refers to a sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain. The feelings, actions, and thoughts of an individual are controlled by brain cells that message each other through consistent electrical impulses. Having epilepsy increases your risk of developing high blood pressure and pre-diabetes. But with regular exercise, you can help manage those health problems. Staying active also eases depression, which is common in individuals with epilepsy. It combats bone loss—a side effect of certain anti-seizure medications. And it may even reduce the frequency of seizures, based on preliminary research.
There exist two main types of seizures – generalised and partial seizures. In generalised seizures, the whole brain is affected, whereas, in focal or partial seizures, just one part of the brain is affected. If the seizure is mild, it is often difficult to recognise. It is known to last for only a few seconds during which the patient lacks awareness. On the other hand, stronger seizures can lead to uncontrollable muscle twitches and spasms and are known to last a few seconds to more than a few minutes. At the time of a strong seizure, some patients tend to lose consciousness and get confused. Afterwards, they may have no memory of its occurrence.
Several studies have proved the positive effect doing Yoga has on patients suffering from epilepsy. Here are some of the poses which help keep the seizures in control:
10 Yoga Poses For Epilepsy
- Suryanamaskara (Sun Salutations): This series of 12 Asanas combined together is a quiver of benefits, which number in several for each pose. The calmness propagated by practicing this series guarantees great results in curbing anxiety attacks and keeps epileptic shocks under control, due to the soft breathing and smooth flow of the asanas.
- Halasana (Plough Pose): It is named so as it resembles a plough used for farming in Asian countries. It is a beginner level Hatha yoga asana. Halasana keeps your spinal cord strong and flexible. It reduces stress and normalizes high blood pressure. The pose calms the nervous system and strengthens the immune system. Hence, this pose is a must for those suffering from epilepsy.
- Shirshasana (Headstand): By increasing the blood flow to the brain and eliminating stress and anxiety, the headstand can help fight epilepsy. People with epilepsy often complain that they find it hard to concentrate. Headstand helps in increasing concentration as well.
- Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing): The techniques to perform this pranayama need a lot of practice but this is one of the most efficient breathing excercises for neurological disorders. Its name is derived from the Sanskrit words Nadi (subtle energy channel) and Shodhnam (purification). The Nadis get blocked due to stress, physical and mental trauma. Purifying them with alternate nostril breathing deals with epilepsy in splendid manner.
- Matsyasana (Fish Pose): This is an asana which resembles the Matsya avatar of Lord Vishnu. It is a beginner level Hatha yoga asana. Matsyasana stretches your ribs, stomach, and neck muscles. It relieves tension in your neck and shoulders and strengthens your upper back. These benefits work towards alleviating the harsh effects of epilepsy on a patient’s body by calming their muscles and allowing better blood circulation throughout the upper body.
- Balasana (Child Pose):Child pose is a great way to keep seizures in control. By increasing the blood circulation to the brain it helps dealing with the adverse reactions of epileptic seizures. The pose is also amazing to relieve stress which is one of the major causes of seizure. Post seizure, practicing this asana puts a veil on the aching muscles and relaxes your tired bones.
- Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose): This pose definitely gives you a good stretch. The asana resembles the stance and grace of a pigeon and is hence named so. It is a beginner level Ashtanga yoga asana. Kapotasana relieves back pain and stretches your neck, chest, and shoulder muscles. It also strengthens your core and realigns your spine. The asana relieves anxiety and stress, which are key factors leading towards epilepsy.
- Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand): Aptly nicknamed “The Mother of All Poses”, it is the answer for several physical and mental ailments. Even in the case of epilepsy, the inverted nature of this posture guarantees an unparalleled relaxation of the muscles and thus relieving you of stress by allowing a gush of fresh blood to the brain.
- Pawanmuktasana (Wind-relieving Pose): Primarily targeted towards gastric and acidity related problems, this pose is also promising towards alleviating seizure inducing stress and strain in the body. Holding the knee close to your chin while lying on the back in an almost foetal position automatically relaxes the entire back and torso, meanwhile rocking back and forth brings a child-like joy and relieves stress.
- Shavasana (Corpse Pose): The Corpse Pose is an asana that resembles an immobile body. It is a beginner level Ashtanga yoga asana. It is always the go-to pose while ending a practice session, as it is the most relaxed posture of all. Shavasana improves your concentration and relieves stress and tension. It relaxes the tense muscles and improves your mental health. It works amazingly well for neurological problems, especially epilepsy.
Yoga Teacher Training program’s in Rishikesh, India schedule is designed in very balanced way that it keeps the student in contemplation of the subject throughout the day and also allows them to have the personal time. The schedule is the best integration of theory and practice of yoga. It also allows the student to stay energetic for all the classes. The daily schedule of the course as follows:
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