1. Go : Let’s go in place, arms move like a steam locomotive, we Visualize the light, turn around and think, “I’m going the positve way.” Which is the Positive for you today?
2. Windmill: We straddle the legs apart, lean forward, rotate like a windmill In the backbone and think: “My goals are …”. What goals do you want To achieve in your life? Count on three goals.
3. Frog: Feet come together. We bowed with the upper body before. US Base us with your hands on the floor and move our ass down in a Crouch back in the air. The head rises to the sky and Earth. We practice the frog several times and think: “I have strength and resistance.”
4. Arms-Legs: We lie in the stomach. US Raise your left arm and right leg. We bring both back to the ground and lift the right arm and the left arm leg. We do it several times. We think: “I take things as they are.” What are you going to drink today?
5. Upper Body: Lying in the prone position, hands on the ground and Repeatedly press upper body up and down. Head goes to neck And forward. By breathing in and out, we thought, “I let go of my fake Desires. “What do you want to let go today?
6. Turn Beck: In the prone position, we turn the pelvis forward and backward. the The head is in the hands. We think: “I’m sad because …”. What is your today pain?
7. Feet moving: We are moving our feet in a prone position. Head It is relaxed in our hands. We think, “I forgive … (I forgive my partner / Parents / the cosmos / God, that he / she …. I forgive the cosmos, that my Life is very hard I forgive myself …) “Who do you want to forgive today? Think your words until a feeling of sadness, of letting go and sorry.
8. Cycling: We turn around, lift our head and move our arms and legs. We think: “I am on the road of the positive, my positive thinking is today …” What prayer gives you vitality and courage? What your mind does positive? Think of the beauty of life. What is good in your life?
9. Sail: Stretch your legs to the sky. Our hands support us in the back. We visualize the sky, move our feet and think many times in the mantra “Heaven”, until the energy of the sky flows to us.