200-Hour Kundalini and Tantra Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India Certified by Yoga Alliance USA With Arogya Yoga School. Kundalini yoga in essence came from the Tantra Yoga (Tantra can broadly be defined as a "technique"). Kundalini yoga is not part of the original yoga philosophy outlined by Patanjali, or other yogic schools, but it does integrate the philosophy of yoga very well. Over the years of development of tantra yoga, yogis discovered that this propound science of awakening is possible for EVERYONE.
People usually mistake kundalini yoga to be a specific Tantra Yoga science involved with some sexual energy or some spiritual powers (Siddhis). But in reality, Kundalini yoga is actually meant for spiritual wakening. As a process of this one gains some powers, but it is not meant to gain spiritual powers, but rather to help one in spiritual progress on the path of yoga.
How it integrates the philosophy of yoga very well is, this awakening of kundalini is known in other way as the Shakti awakens and re-joins with Shiva. In other way we can talk about in yoga philosophy is as Prakriti moving back to its source, that is consciousness (Purusha).
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in India is without doubt the most rewarding journey you will ever take.We are recognized as one of India's top Yoga Ashrams and have received numerous testimonials.Do not wait to start this journey towards your true-Self. This will be the most important step of your life. Join our course today and find out the REAL YOU.
Kundalini Yoga has been growing in popularity worldwide. There are now more opportunities for Kundalini yoga teachers who have certifications. You will spend your time in Rishikesh's lush greenery surrounded by the Himalayas. Here, you will learn the 200-hour Kundalini Yoga teacher training and discover a new, more powerful you.
Arogya Yoga School offers best affordable comprehensive and intensive 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program in Rishikesh. The modules include well-researched and applied teachings in Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. In the best interest of students and potential Yoga Teachers, the modules have been curated by our expert Gurus after they adapted their accumulated knowledge into their very being. The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh at Arogya Yoga School coaches you extensively on the framework of Yoga including, but not limited to, insights on basic and intermediate Asanas(Postures), Dhyana(Meditation), Pranayama (Breathing exercises), Mantra(Chanting hymns), Philosophy of Yoga, Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga, Teaching methodology, Posture alignments and adjustments, and so on 200 hour yoga teacher training retreats.
Yoga Alliance Accreditation, Arogya Yoga School is completely Authorized with Yoga Alliance USA
200 Hrs Yoga Course is presented with a progressive approach to yoga and is taught primarily in English, followed by Sanskrit and Hindi languages as well. This Training program is the perfect platform for you to lay the groundwork to be a motivational Yoga Teacher. The training by itself will build you a solid foundation in Hatha Ashtanga Yoga. The program is taught in a traditional and relaxed environment in which it will encourage, support and guide one to learn more about oneself. Come prepared to push your mental and physical limits to attain your goal of becoming a Yoga Teacher.
Arogya yoga school teacher training program's schedule is designed in very balanced way that it keeps the student in contemplation of the subject throughout the day and also allows them to have the personal time. The schedule is the best integration of theory and practice of yoga. It also allows the student to stay energetic for all the classes. The daily schedule of the course as follows:
Herbal tea is effective drink in improving metabolism an enhancing health status
yogic cleansing helps in detoxing the body and allows to enjoy the practice of asana and pranayama
Morning Class Start with Pranayama helps the practitioner experiences a clearing of consciousness, peace of mind, and relief from unwanted drives and habits.
Enjoy the morning and a delicious yogic breakfast
The outcome of learning this subject is that the Yogi can discern the various nuances of the human body in a more enriched fashion and Learn About the energy system of the chakras
Here the Students will learn Yoga philosophy
You cannot claim to be a Yoga Teacher unless you familiarise yourself with the necessary techniques of teaching an Asana session. You cannot effectively teach an Asana session unless you know how to devise modifications for the students who cannot perform the final postures with ease. This class focuses on creating a syllabus that encapsulates important Asanas and the ideal methods to teach them. Additionally, you will learn how to optimise and adjust the poses, as well as some variations for the difficult poses by the use of props, micro-bends, and other easier approaches. This hour also includes the practice of Yoga nidra, where the instructor will gently guides you through four main stages of brain wave activity â€" beta, alpha, theta, and delta. This meditative sleep technique focuses on reaching the "hypnagogic state" â€" the state between wakefulness and sleep.
Practice of Kundalini Yoga
Enjoy the nutritious meal with love.
Om shanti
If you have any other questions arogyayogaschool@gmail.com
The course emphasizes awakening hidden energy through Kundalini practices, meditation, and a deep understanding of yoga philosophy, providing a comprehensive foundation for aspiring teachers.
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